Simplify Your Azure Marketplace Listing with WeTransact

Getting your product up and running on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace used to be a time-consuming and complicated task. Not anymore.

A cartoon drawing style of a big room with many people containing a centered big screen that has a 'publish' button.
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Getting your product up and running on the Microsoft Azure Marketplace used to be a time-consuming and complicated task. Not anymore. At least not for forward-thinking companies using a new platform that publishes SaaS to millions in moments. Welcome to WeTransact.

Be double-ready for the marketplace

Any integration has a technical component. The complexity of that integration is determined by a number of factors – including the programming language and the skills and knowledge of your development team. That means integration with a marketplace like Azure can require a deep dive into an unfamiliar technology stack.

Not only do you need to understand the different components and how they work together, there’s also the implementation in two layers. One, the cloud level infrastructure, and two, the codes that will help the integration work. That requires a lot of technical expertise on top of the knowledge needed to maintain it.

There’s also the potential barrier to internal communication. Your tech people need to understand the business case, and your business people need to understand the technical restraints. It’s a double layer of readiness within your company.

Help lower the technical barriers

Microsoft provides software kits to enable companies to integrate their product with the Azure platform. This includes pre-built components that help clear the path to publishing. However, this does not remove the requirement to understand how these components work. That’s because the responsibility to maintain a product in the marketplace ultimately rests with you.

As a publisher on the marketplace, you need the technical capabilities to bring your product to market, and keep it there. The technical challenge is almost built by design to ensure you’re not just competent but technically robust. That means companies with limited technical knowledge could be looking at years before they get listed. But for most companies with a committed team, it takes around 10 weeks. WeTransact can dial that down to days.

Decrease the time to market

By getting your product listed on the marketplace faster, you can start to see a quicker return on investment. The sooner it’s there, the sooner you can begin to scale it out and give it a marketing boost. It also means your product can start benefiting from the prestige of being on the Azure Marketplace.

WeTransact has the insider knowledge you need to decrease the time to market by taking away the technical complexity, and putting your product in the hands of business leaders. Our clients benefit from a cost-efficient solution for bringing their software to the marketplace sooner, and the set up of the right channels for promoting it.

Discover how WeTransact helps you launch faster and monetize sooner on the Azure marketplace. Email us.

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