More Impact with Microsoft Marketplace's Co-Sell Program

Unlock the potential of Microsoft Marketplace's Co-Sell program for B2B software vendors. Expand your market reach and accelerate business growth.

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The Microsoft Marketplace isn't just a platform for buying and selling digital products—it is a gateway to global markets, especially for B2B software vendors. The Microsoft Co-Sell program, offered through this marketplace, is designed to amplify business growth by pairing Microsoft’s own salesforce with vendors to open up new revenue streams. The Co-Sell program can extend your market reach and enhance product visibility significantly.

Understanding the Microsoft Co-Sell Program

The Microsoft Co-Sell program partners Microsoft with technology providers to jointly sell their solutions. This initiative allows vendors to tap into a vast network of Microsoft sales teams and channel partners, using the tech giant's strong brand to boost their own. Participants must meet specific requirements, such as being CoSell-Incentivized, which you can easily apply for through the WeTransact platform.

Benefits of Participating in the Co-Sell Program

  • Expanded Market Access: By joining the Co-Sell program, vendors can leverage Microsoft’s extensive global presence to reach diverse markets, which would otherwise require significant marketing budgets and resources.  
  • Marketing and Sales Support: Microsoft provides substantial marketing and sales assistance, including opportunities for joint marketing campaigns, featured product placements, and direct engagement with Microsoft’s sales teams.  
  • Enhanced Product Credibility: Having a product associated with a renowned brand like Microsoft significantly boosts its credibility, encouraging trust and increasing its appeal to potential customers.
  • Exponentially increase your salesforce: Microsoft's more than 15,000 sellers will become part of your salesforce, and if they sell your solution, it will count towards meeting their annual sales quotas.

Challenges and Considerations

While the benefits are considerable, participating in the Co-Sell program comes with challenges. Navigating the complexities of collaboration with a large organization like Microsoft requires patience, persistence, and a bit of know-how. Regular adjustments to align with Microsoft’s evolving product strategies and market focus are necessary to maintain a fruitful partnership.


The Microsoft Marketplace Co-Sell program offers a unique opportunity for B2B software vendors to accelerate their growth by harnessing the power of Microsoft’s global sales and marketing machinery. By understanding and leveraging the tools and support offered, vendors can significantly enhance their market presence and sales volumes. If you're aiming to expand your reach, at WeTransact, we're dedicated to empowering you to tackle the challenges of this collaboration effortlessly, ensuring you reap its rewards seamlessly. Talk to us today.

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